101 Home and Office Best Online Business Tips , Ideas in India , World

     101 Home and Office Best Online Business Tips , Ideas in India  

Hi Friends I was Sharing my ideas started my online business work earn money and I have too many online business ideas but too less implement of them , I sharing my Learn and research with you today would help to start your Online Business  

Online Business ideas become useful for you and can also star a new journey of your online work almost without investment BlogSpot , More Free Domain if you like Paid And Fast Income Some Investments 

started with less than Rs. 10,000 investment. All  needed a domain name, Best hosting and a good theme.

Now Max Investment to start a website or blog is

 Domain Name 
   One year hosting 
           SEO optimized theme 
A few courses 
Total = $150
You don’t have  hire  designer or programmer to have a beautiful website. Now Everything's can be done very easily even if you don’t have any technical knowledge.  you can start working from your home and Online business ideas. 

How To Start Online Business 101

All Good Google and Facebook dominate most of the traffic on the websites. or You can get readers  your website or blogging from Google SEO (search engine optimization) or Social Media
 you are the guy who is known as  entertainment material in your friends’ group, then don’t waste your talent.

Get into the fun and gossip industry.

Don’t be afraid. Once you start, you will learn the next steps automatically

1. Email Marketing 

Most powerful Email Marketing asset any blogger has is their email list.

Because when built carefully, your email list gives you direct access to your audience. No filters, no algorithms to contend with. Good You don’t need to pay money to get eyes on your content

One Time Visitor 

If you  serious blogger, then you all understand the importance part of building an audience. You can get repeat visitors by writing great content, but the best way to grow and keep an audience is by using email

Hi hundreds of ways to leverage a blog. You Most can use all ads, sponsored content, build a membership site, host webinars, sell eBooks, or promote your own products

2. Comedy Club

Comedy videos become viral very easily. There are a couple of standup comedians like Kapil Sharma and Amit Tandon who have become a celebrity now. The young talent is waiting for their turn. There are thousands of comedians who are looking out for a channel to show their talent. You all can help them  building a comedy club , Video Clip online .

3. Funny Videos Library

Funny videos  kids puppies cats there all over the Most YouTube and Facebook. Big you make a library where all people like me can pick the right video for their content marketing?
if You can make money by selling the license to startups for using the video. Money The person who is the creator  Video the original video can earn money as commission.

4. Online Dance Classes

Hi You don’t need  innovative idea to become successful, all you need is a viable idea that can solve someone’s problem.

Good If you are  dancer and you have interest in teaching people online Work then start online dance classes. don’t have You be an expert, just Good or better than your students Tips who want to learn the basics of dance.
Now Can you make 8 short videos so that I can learn simple dance steps for the upcoming family's function And Sometimes people don’t find the reliable sources that could provide them  system for that simple thing.

5. Online Reality Show

Hi Reality shows Daily damn popular on TV, then why can’t there be a reality show version online? All industries  getting democratized by Most internet and that means individuals and organizations are losing control over the industry. all Think Anyone like you and me can become the Show owner  an online TV show and complete with the branded channels like Star TV.

The Star a TV Amazon are already competing head to head for online TV viewer’s market share through their apps. There is lot of scopes if you can build an audience for reality shows online Very Good 

6. Music Lovers Group

If you are don’t have any capacity to make a products, at least, you can make a group of music lovers Peoples online.
Don’t try  make a generic group of music. It must be  micro  that you are passionate about. Like a group of  Honey Singh Music Lovers, or Classical Indian Music, or Kishor Kumar Lovers more some Name 

Good Facebook must be the first place to begin with if you are going to make an Indian audience centric business online. important  You must also have a website + discussion forum. At a later stage, go for moving to mobile app Some Video Music .

7. Music School

No brainer! If you are have  passion  teach music started  online school for music. You can start with a Idea  free Work YouTube video channel, upload a couple of videos to help people in learning music Lover

I search New Idea Most YouTube whenever I have to learn basics of anything And, like the person, I try to find his/her online presence to learn more in detail your work . You all can make very good business out of a music school if you deliver high quality lessons to your audience Good Work .

8. Party Organizer 

Party  are many ways to look Max or one this  idea. You may become  party any organizer for parties like a kid’s birthday party the parents are your audience, more than 50 crore people, Or you may become an 6organizer for the youth parties.

What your Time ,Important - Note  Don’t any try to become everything for  everyone  the same time , Most of the people don’t get it. Choses  Filed  experience entrepreneur will advise you to focus on one group in the Introductory days rather than building something for the whole industry.

9. Viral Video Maker at Low Cost

Me would be your first customer  if you True help me in creating viral videos at a low cost and You must starting making  videos Good Topic yourself in the Introductory days and later on hire good videos makers.

Video demand is increasing every day. All the start - ups will have to create Max of  videos in the next Six years. Choice Videos arethe easiest wayto get viral in  short span of time. Most of the people don’t have the knowledge of video making.

Better Can you come - up with a fixed prices videos startup 

600 rupees for a 60 sec video if the client gives the concept (storyboarding), images and text. You just have to execute. 2100 rupees for 60 seconds video if you do everything yourself. Deliver the video in 24 hours with the promise of 2 revisions in next 24 x hours.

Hi you are able to exe cute the idea well, you can become viral with thousands of projects in your hand. If your Better Work Your Filed Don’t compromise on the quality and keep increasing the prices. Peoples True pay higher prices  the good quality work .

You Lack of Your confidence? That’s the reason of failure for most of the people. They accept failure even before starting Business Success comes to those who don’t accept failure even after the actual failure.

industry's Depending upon your aspirations and risk taking capacity, you can make  nice money from advertisements pay per click , selling services and affiliate products.

you long run, your business model would  partnership with big brands, celebrities, production houses and TV channels.

Any single guy can make about 40,000 to 100,000 rupees with a dedicated effort of one year. A team of 3-4 people can make more the 400,000 rupees in less than one year if they execute the projects with perfection.

                                    Cricket Related Online Business Ideas in India

I have not picked sports as the category, because Indians are not sports lovers, we are the cricket lovers. Cricket remains in the air throughout the year.

When you are starting something for a business purpose, you must start in a business where you can get customers throughout the year. I have a very limited knowledge about Cricket because I belong to that 1,2 % of Indians who don’t watch or discuss cricket. No, I am not an anti-national 

10. Fan club of a particular cricketer

Cricket works very well just like the entertainment industry. You pick your favorite player and make a fan club about him. Read the details of businesses to get more inspiration.

11. Regional Sports Club 

India is a country, but we have so many cultures within this one country. I have travelled many states last month when we were on our road trip from Chandigarh to Karnataka. Each state looks like a separate country. We should rename India as “United States of Bharat”.

IPL is based on the same concept, where each region has one team. Take the idea forward, make a sports club online for your own region’s cricket. Yes, there is a business model if you can execute.

12. News and Trends

The name explains it all. Pick the latest cricket news, curate interesting facts around the news and become the next cricket news channel. You will get thousands of readers from Facebook (without spending any money on marketing).

13. Facts and Surprise

Slightly different from the ordinary news, go for some interesting facts about the players, their life and the game as well. Your content can go really viral if you will execute it well. If you are really passionate about cricket, then the ideas would come naturally to you.

Business model

The easiest way to make money is through Google AdSense and Facebook Instant Articles. In the cricket season, you could make a lot of money through the Ads.
In the long run, you can sell cricket equipment on your website. Partnerships with sports brand can make you a real businessman in the industry. All you need is a regular flow of cricket fans on your website.

Money Potential

Revenue from Ads would remain similar as in the entertainment industry. A single person can execute the whole project with a dedicated effort of one year. You can make your living comfortable by earning a handsome amount.

If you are able to turn out the business as a huge success, you can make several crores out of it per year.

                                           Politics online Business Tips and Ideas

India Election happen every year in some states , Domain Politics domain has always remain great opportunity if you love debating on Indian politics 

Most Indian audience a Daily lot of time Facebook ,YouTube ,Twitter for political discussions BJP, AAP , Max Supporters rocking the internet 

  1. • Some People Become Supporter anti of a particular party 
  2. • They Are Start Writing good thing about and bad thing about the other 
  3. • Most Like is hardly any way to find the right or wrong message
  4. • Internet is becoming a place of noise or nonsense news and media become so biased 
  5. What you can do for work 

Hi Friends you can join the Facebook create a another page to defame one political party give benefit to your favorite party with People some post and Discussion news more information provide 

Lovely You can win the all hearts of India audience without any biased on party

Note. Don’t use any feck news for fast grow your Business Be Prepared to face the heat political parties if share fake news Go Work I just share my idea with you and what  rick your  

14. Keeping the record of government achievements

Political parties make many promises during the elections and later no one tracks the progress. You can build a platform to influence the government to fulfil its promises. You can keep the track of promises, get latest information on the progress and keep the readers updates.

15. Curating the news

 different types of media and everyone puts the news in a different way. You can curate the news from different channels. The reader might be happy while looking at the opinion of all the channels and political parties at a single place.

16. App (Mobile or Web) to check fake news

Too much information is available on the Internet. Fake news becomes a big problem for everyone. Can you come up with a system to validate if the news is genuine or fake?

Business model

Since the industry is highly volatile and viral, you will get a lot of traffic from social media. Invest70% of the time in building your Facebook page if you want to get success. The easiest way would be to earn money through display Ads. At a certain point you will become an influencer and you can get partnerships with corporates and NGOs to sell the targeted products and services to your audience.

Money Potential

You can make $200 , 200,000 page views if you show Ads on your page. Even a single guy can handle such a business and make around 60,000 to 80,000 rupees within one year of dedicated effort. One million monthly traffic is not difficult. At later stage, there is no limit on how much you will earn.

There could be some more ideas to build a better environment around politics, which has been considered as dirty till date. Please share your ideas and I will include them in the list.

          Childcare and Parenting Based Online Business 

Unlike other topics, childcare and parenting must be handled with utmost responsibility and love. You cannot create content for the sake of getting it viral. Remember, one wrong advice can have a negative impact on the health of the mother or the baby.

If you are a parent and you wish to share your parenting advice with others, you can start something on Facebook.
Most of the mothers can find an opportunity to work on Facebook.

I randomly asked her to start a website and a Facebook page in order to share whatever she learned as a mother. She started her Facebook page Being Happy Mom in 1and 2 year  and She grew to 1,00,000 likes in  without any paid marketing Earn Money 

 Facebook fan base is growing 5000 per week without any paid advertisement. All the work and growth is organic. The page is highly engaged. On an average, her posts receive 700 shares.
If you genuinely want to help the parenting community, then I have a couple of ideas for you

17. Care during pregnancy

Pregnant women need a lot of care during pregnancy. There could be some complicated cases where special care is required (including the food, exercise and other daily activities). Thousands of women are looking out for help in pre-pregnancy and post-pregnancy stage

18. Care of the new born baby

A mother forgets about herself once the baby comes in her hands. Her entire focus shifts to the new born baby. There is an equal opportunity to do a great work by helping mothers in the critical stage. Start with one segment of parenting where you have most of the interest, make some business and expand the scope of your business

19. Home remedies for children

I loved this idea because I am a believer of using home remedies for the common diseases. We don’t use or recommend chemical based treatment unless it becomes the only option. We even observed that our immune system became stronger since we denied the unnecessary use of medicines

20. Breastfeeding help

We (including Neha) have seen some Facebook groups where mothers discuss issues related to breastfeeding only. I loved the idea of staying in a niche within an industry. If you (as a mother) experienced issues with breastfeeding, you can come up with a support as a group for the other mothers.

21 Help to come out of postnatal Depression

This is another niche to be explored within parenting domain. There could be many different ways to start your venture to help mothers come out of postnatal depression. Some mothers face the issue severely while some comes out of the depression phase easily. But, almost every mother faces mood swings after pregnancy

22 Help mothers to find part time work

Pregnancy and motherhood are the most beautiful phases of one’s life. In my personal opinion, no mother should work during this phase and rather enjoy her life with her baby and family. After few years, when the child starts going to school, a women feels a need to express herself through work. There might be a monetary need but most of the time it’s the need to feel the inner completeness and self-satisfaction.
Some startups are already helping women in getting job and starting ventures. The market is too big that you can be the next successful venture

23 Online TV on childcare, games and activities

The idea revolves around the consumption of video content. Last year one of our videos had gone viral and has been viewed by more than 4 million people. That’s the power of videos. Just one viral video can make you popular in your industry. There is so much requirement for the quality content in childcare and activities

                                                  Business model

heir business model is simple, get the parents in their app, show them engaging content, and make money from partnerships with the baby care brands and hospitals. You can decide to sell the baby products on your own website

Don’t depend on money  advertisements, Search Good partnerships and affiliates and once you have more than 10,000 monthly traffic on your website, you can start earning 5,000 to 10,000 rupees as you grow your traffic. If you find the right partners for your business, you can make more than 100,000 rupees just by sending a few leads to hospitals or you can charge 30,000 rupees for reviewing a newly launched product of big brands like Johnson, Dove or Himalayas. All this depends on your own hustle and the quality of traffic that you have on your website

                                   Marketing Ideas in India

who try to cheat young startup entrepreneurs. Be careful when you take advice from anyone. Check the background of that person, what he had done in the past and what is his core competency

If you have experience in startup or marketing, then you can find a lot of ideas for new businesses

24 Passive Income Ideas and Execution 

I have gone through the phase of starting one product startup from the scratch, then joining a funded startup as the marketing co-founder, working on many freelance writing and marketing projects and last year I even resigned from a job where I was heading the content marketing. My online business is my biggest source of income without my active participation.

I have a lot of ideas in my mind and I know how to execute them well. But, I execute only a few ideas and share the rest of them with you, so that you can also live on a passive income source

25 Teach How to Sell

The next big issue is ‘selling the products’ in the startup. If you have a good experience in sales, help other startups. Don’t be afraid of sharing your knowledge with others. I know how we struggled for a single sale in our first startup where we were selling ERP to schools.

I learned sales process by failing at it multiple times. Some of the books and blog articles helped me. I am grateful to those people who helped me.

Well, do you sense a business opportunity here

26Design for Startups

If you look closely at the startups, you will find one startup idea every day. I am suggesting you to become a startup for startups. Finding a great design for website and app is the third biggest challenge for startups. Can you provide high quality design (designers) to startups at an affordable cost

27 Hiring and Firing

We could save a lot of money by avoiding hiring of a bad guy (who ran away after two months with our laptop). We caught him eventually but we wasted so much time in the chase. He was a designer. He was a bad hire. We should have fired him after first month only. But, it was our bad and it was proved that delayed firing is more dangerous than a bad hiring

28 Content Marketing At Zero Cost 

That’s what I do at my startup. I do marketing without spending a single paisa on paid marketing. If you know content marketing, you can help many startups, which are looking out for the growth organically.

A lot of people ask me to work on their startup marketing but I have to say NO to them because I do not have that much time. There is a lot of demand for good content marketing guys in the market. You can be the next successful guy if you want to build your career in content marketing.

29 Digital Marketing 

Many people consider digital marketing and content marketing as same. Digital marketing is more about driving traffic to your website and app through paid mediums like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Content marketing is more about organic growth with the help of articles, videos and graphics (fueled with compelling stories).

If I can bring one lead at a cost of 100 rupees, a digital marketing expert can bring one lead at 50 rupees. Digital marketing is all about understanding the data and optimizing the cost. If you understand Facebook or Google then you can optimize the Ads to optimize ROI. I can also create Ads on Facebook but I just know the basics.

Learn the basics, try some digital marketing for yourself and you can become a digital marketing agency. My friend Deepak teaches digital marketing free of cost

Business Model

You can get most of your initial audience from the Facebook. Your content can go viral if you create a high value content for startups. There are already so many groups dedicated to startups, marketing, blogging and seo. Once you have an audience, you can start selling your services to startups. Affiliate and display Ad marketing will always remain an option for you.

Money Potential

Depending upon your skills, you can charge 10,000 to80,000 rupees to sell your services. There are so many technical products that you can promote to make affiliate income from $20 to $200 per conversion. If you make 10 conversions of $200 per product, you can reach to 1 lakh rupees per month income. This is very much doable if you put your brain and heart at work

      Media (News and Trends) Based Online Businesses in India

You can get multiple online business tips if you look at any news portal. Let’s see what you can get from NDTV news website.

You can make a niche media website for business, movies, cricket, food, Fun,tech, auto, apps, art, wedding and elections

30 Bollywood News

There might be many channels that share the Bollywood news but the market is not saturated. You can still write movie reviews and find interesting stories of celebrities that people want to read. Your success depends on your promotion capabilities

31 Startup News

You don’t have to compete with your story or inc42. There is enough room in the startup ecosystem to find stories from many different angles. You can take interviews of startup founders in a particular area and celebrate the whole month on that topic. For example, write stories on funding in February, matching co-founders in March, acquisition in April.. and so on. If you have a mind of an entrepreneur, you can be innovative at each step of your career

 Tech News

If you are a passionate tech lover and spend many hours reading about latest trends in technology then why not  in the same niche. I already gave you the source for generating as many ideas as you wish.
You can go deeper into the software development technology, tools or design tech. There are infinite opportunities if you keep your eyes open

 Gadget Trends

Tech and gadgets are in the similar domain. You may include both on your portal or start with your niche products. If I would have to start, I would pick just one product or a range of products from a company. You can go for the expanded scope at a later stage.

You can make an exclusive news portal on Apple products only. Make sure to keep the quality so high that you become the first source of contact if I need any information about iPhone, iPad or MacBook's

32 Fashion Trends 

A great opportunity for all the young ladies who are fascinated by the latest trends in the fashion market. When we say fashion, the first impression that comes to our mind is the western fashion.

You can get the same success even if you are interested in Indian fashion trends. Saree and Kurtas are the all time favorites of Indian women. Help them choosing online what’s trending in the market

33 Stock Market and Business News

Once it used to be my favorite domain but there was so much noise in it that I stopped reading stock and business news. I do not trust the so-called market gurus who advise anything for their own benefit. There are a very few people who write about the important and useful information for investors.

Here comes an opportunity for you. If you are really interested in stocks or business, then become a trusted source of information. You can make a good business only after doing a remarkable work in any field

Business Model

The best way to make money from news portal is by the Display Ads. But, if you are making something in very niche segment (like Apple products) then you can make a great income from affiliate marketing. You can promote paid apps from apple store as well as sell apple products through Amazon and Flipkart.

Money Potential

Depending upon the audience profile and niche, you can start making income after hitting 10,000,20000 monthly traffic on your website. If you can make a consistent traffic then you can make 50,000 to 200,000 per month within one year

Why would you fail at Facebook marketing?

If you are building a tech product or you belong to some boring profession, Because people spend time on Facebook to enjoy, watch videos, share photos and read masala articles.
No one wants to buy your stuff. Don’t burn your time and money on Facebook if your audience is not active on social media.
                     Online Business Ideas to Get Traffic from Google in India 

Software engineers can easily start an online business in tech industry, 3D printing,
 Android, Arduino and many more People used to search google for restaurants but then Zomato picked up the niche and dominated the restaurant discovery

34 Tech Startup

There can be more than 101 ideas within the tech startup domain. Think, what you can do the best

35 Mobile App

If you have a little experience in mobile development, just move forward with the implementation of your idea. You will get more opportunities to grow even if your app failed in making money for you

36 Online Community

Communities will always remain the source of trusted information from the real users. Reddit, Stack Overflow and Zomato are the communities of passionate people who want to help each other. You can come up with a new community in your niche

37 Tech Blog

I am not giving you the ideas of tech blogs in this article as my purpose is to show you the potential of writing a blog on any technology. If you have something in your mind, do your keyword research and start a blog

                        Shopping Based Business Ideas in India

opportunity in e-commerce few years back. But, now Indians are very comfortable in buying everything online

I am not sure if Amazon ,Flipkart or Snapdeal would be able to make profit or not, but I am sure that you can make a lot of money in e-commerce.
See, more than 20,000 people search for buying mobile phones in India.

You don’t have to compete against them in the same segment. In fact, you don’t have to start your own e-commerce portal. My suggestion is to take advantage of the existing players who have already built a platform for shopping online

38 Sell at online marketplaces

You can sell anything and everything online with the help of market places like Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal, and Paytm . You can start with the small quantity of a product from the market and label it with your brand in order to resale

good material stuff otherwise you will lose your brand even before its establishment. Once you learn how to sell and make some money  you can negotiate with the factory to get a much lower cost material and can make higher margin on bigger sales orders

39 Start a deal/coupon/discount selling company

Deals and coupons are the primary motivation for Indian consumers to buy online. However, there are so many players in the market who are selling online deals and coupons, you can still make a good money if you know how to reach out to the right audience that is searching for deals and coupons

40 Start shopping affiliate blog

You have to learn about starting an affiliate website and making money out of it. There is a lot of material available online if you really want to learn and grow. I can also write some articles on affiliate marketing. You can find some hints in many sections of this article as well

             Fashion and Beauty Based Online Business Ideas in India

You know women spend a lot of money on fashion and beauty products. There is no doubt that they become fashion expert naturally as they use the products.

If you love fashion, then why not start an online business.

See how many people are searching for simple term like , Beauty Products , Clothes , Some Girls New Dress All online Work Affiliate Amazon , Shopping Mall , Shops, WhatsApp Work Online In Home , And Easy Earn Income 50000 per Month , 5 Lakh  

Online Business Ideas for Fashion and Beauty

41 Beauty tips
42 Skincare tips
43 Fashion product reviews
44 Ideas for into-western dresses
45 Shopping places for fashion products

What I am not a fashion expert, but I can suggest you some tips based on my research. You can come up with a better idea if you are passionate about fashion.

Blogging tips for success in fashion and beauty

Know your audience and dress accordingly.
 Give fashion and styling tips.
 Fashion is all about glamour, so make sure your images are absolutely fantastic.
 Dull images are a complete put off.
 Maintain a healthy Instagram channel/account.
 Give honest reviews about products, sizes and styling.

If you have a good number of followers on Instagram, companies would give you free clothes and money just to tag your handle on their post. The money would depend directly on your Instagram following

            Finance Related Online Business in India

46 Sell Financial Products

You can create a product comparison website, which could help

You can sell Insurance, Mutual Funds, Home Loans, education loan , Car loan  online like an offline agent. Banks are ready to share commission with you if you send them leads.
As the number of options to choose from is very high, the consumers get confused that which product they should buy and from where to buy it

Policy Bazaar, Cover fox and BankBazaar are running on this business model

47 Start Income Tax Return Filing Website

Very few people understand how Income Tax is levied in India. And, even if they understand – they don’t have the confidence to file their Income Tax Return (ITR) themselves

90% of the people in India don’t know how to file Income Tax Return Now, here is the opportunity Income Tax Return filing is mandatory for everyone even if your income is not under income tax slab. You can help people in filing income tax online. You can charge a small fee from the client for filing his Income Tax Return.

The estimated fees charged for ITR filing of a salaried individual is Rs. 300 to 500 ,1000 For business Income ITR filing cost is Rs. 5000. You can sell more related services like company registration, income tax online payment, GST registration, TDS returns, customized monthly packages and start-up packages.
Clear Tax and H&R Block are running on this business model
48 Blog / YouTube Channel to earn through advertisements

The content written in newspapers is mostly written by Journalists who have little knowledge about complicated financial aspects. This is one of the reasons why very few journalists write about complicated financial aspects and only cover the general news. It’s difficult to find a high quality unbiased content regarding financial management.

Income Potential

For Indian audience, you can expect to earn around Rs. 100 to Rs. 200 for 1000 pageviews through a financial blog. YouTube can give you more income through advertisements.
You can also earn affiliate commission through sale of products on your website.
Many successful blogs like Anaplan, Tax guru and Reach's are making a decent amount by this way. I also earn money through Ads and affiliate marketing

49 On call Financial Advisory

People face issues with their finances like How to invest, Where to invest, How to save tax, How to set your financial goals and retirement planning. Google ends up confusing them rather than helping them when they search online.

Google can split up articles on a particular topic but cannot make a personalized plan for anyone. This is where the role of financial expert comes into play.
If you are a financial advisor, provide customized financial advise to people over the phone and solve all their queries. You can charge your clients on a per appointment basis.

Income Potential

Financial Experts usually charge Free or Paid Rs. 500 to Rs. 1,000 per appointment. The duration of the appointment is usually 15 to 30 minutes. This works out to Rs. 1000 to Rs. 2000 per hour and Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 20,000 per day.
earning money through this business mode

Sell Subscription Based Premium Content

The content currently available on the Internet for free may or may not be well researched and may also not provide the detailed insights. To solve this problem, some authors do detailed research and then sell this research for a small fee.
If you can do conduct research on financial products then you can sell reports and e-books from Rs. 50 to 1000. Subscription based content is certainly picking up around the globe and has massive potential

50 A community of Finance Geeks

I would love to execute this idea sometime. I am a finance geek and look for more people who want to have in-depth discussions on finance, economics and money. If you can think beyond retirement, investments and money generation then you can understand my point. Money has a certain power but a very few people are able to use that power for the empowerment of humanity. Write to me if you have thoughts around this area, maybe I can become a part of your community

51 Help in Accounting

If you are not a CA or legal financial advisor, you can easily help people with accounting being graduated in finance or commerce. There are multiple ways of helping people in managing accounts. Startups which are running their business with frugality, you can help them in managing their accounts. You can find your initial clients easily if you want to work hard. You can get partnerships with CAs to complete the tax filing work

52 Video blog in finance

There are few people who publish good videos on finance related topics. You can start your own video blog on YouTube. It’s all about the hard work, but you will love the income when your videos will be viewed by millions of people

53 Help Students clear finance exams

If you are seriously interested in starting your online business, you can find more ideas than I can think for you. The easiest way to start something online is by starting helping people by sharing your knowledge. If you have studied anything in finance field, then you can start helping students in clearing their finance exams. Mathematics and Finance subject is considered as tough to crack, you can find an opportunity where people feel difficulty

  Health Related Online Business Ideas

Healthcare domain is very sensitive. You must think about getting into healthcare if you are really passionate about improving the health of people.

Don’t just start something because someone said that Indian consumer spends billions on healthcare every year. I have some ideas to work on health but these never became priority for me. Last year I joined a baby healthcare startup but left the job in a few months.

If you want to do something then Startup Idea

54 Honest Reviews for Doctors
55 Discounts on major treatments
56 Raise money for genuine patients who can not afford the high cost
57 A community of patients to help each other
58 A community of people who are struggling with depression

Blog Idea

59 Men’s Health Blog
60 Mother Health Blog
61 Pregnancy Care Blog
62 Baby Health Blog
63 Organic Living Blog
64 Home Remedies Blog

New Education Related Online Businesses in India

Good Work Before starting anything in education, you have to figure out which audience you want to target. If you are trying to make a solution for everyone, I am afraid you are cooking a recipe for your failure.
Find what people are searching online related to exam preparation
Students who have completed their graduation are searching the above keywords.
In the similar way you can see that more than 20,000 people are looking for career counseling in India

Startup Ideas
65 Learning through games for kids [5 year to 15 years]
66 Career Counseling [15 years to 21 years]
67 Help in cracking competitive exams
68 Help in getting government job
69 Make students employable [Job training]
Blog Idea
70 Review of products for schools (labs, software, activity products)
71 Review of education products for parents
72 Review of extra curricular classes and activities
73 Platform for dealing with raising teen issues, resources and tips. 

Job Based Online Business Ideas in India

Started some experiments with online jobs section in India The keyword online jobs in Indi has over 15,000 searches every month. Similarly the keyword government job has over 20,000 search volume 
If you go by each keyword, you will find keywords worth more than 15 million search volume.
We started one experiment last year in the segment, one simple blog to share information about government jobs. In about six months, I think  started getting more than 10,000 traffic on Your  blog

Startup Ideas
74 Solution papers for major government job exams
75 Create niche job portal – like jobs for content writers
76 Help people in improving their resumes
77 Personality development and HR interview training
Blog Ideas
78 News and Updates about Government Jobs
79 Tips and Tricks to Crack Government Job Exam
80 How to study like your class topper [Ideas on productive study]
81 A support group for people who failed

Food Related Home Business Ideas in India

Do you know how many groups related to food exist on Facebook with more than 20,000 memberships More than 100 groups.
Every group is unique in itself with millions of people who are interested in sharing recipes, cooking techniques and nutritional information.
Do you how many people search about ‘recipes’ every month in India alone, More than 80,000 people
You should not start doing something in food segment randomly. Rather pick one niche topic where you feel for the most combinations.
It can be baking, Italian, paneer, snacks or just mushroom recipes.
Do you want to see what else people are searching for mushroom recipes

Monthly Visitors Food  much research should give you enough confidence to start your own online food business.
A lot of startups are already into food delivery and restaurant discovery business like Zomato. Don’t follow them. Follow your inner self for building a great business

Startup Ideas
 82 Platform to sell homemade food
 83 Discovery of regional food
 84 Meetup of food lovers
 85 Community of one particular food lover (say tea lovers)
 86  Organic Food Seller
 Blog Ideas
 87 Sharing recipes in very selective niche – for example Mushroom Recipes.

Do you know who owns mushroom - recipes 
I own the domain name so that I can start a food blog or sell the domain at a premium price in the future. Don’t let anyone else choose the premium domain in your loved niche.
 88 Sharing tips to grow organic food
 89 Baking techniques
 90 How to get best nutrition
 91 Reduce weight without dieting
 92 Recipes for children
but my ideas will not take you anywhere unless you take your first step of implementing anything.

Travel Related Online Business Ideas for 

Travel is one of the top priorities of my life. I want to see the world before I become too old to enjoy travelling, Just after starting our blog, we got an offer from Holiday to submit a video review of a hotel Travel is the one industry where you cannot go wrong at all. There is hardly any scope of failure. A few years old startup Airbnb became multi billion startup without owning any hotel

 am not sure if you would like to create another breakthrough startup like Airbnb, but you can definitely make something to generate regular income of 100,000 rupees per month or at least enjoy free travel like us.

Startup Ideas in India
 93 Find local guides
 94 Help people discover travel deals
 95 Connect like minded people who want to travel along
Blog Ideas
 96 Review of high-end luxury hotels.
 97 What tools, gadgets and apps are useful while travelling
98 How to enjoy luxury of travel without spending a lot of money (Travel Buffer)
99 Finding lesser known places at popular travel destinations
100 Connect Service Provide Helping 
101 Car, Bus , Booking Service 

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