How to Play Call Of Duty Easy Tips And Trick Play Mobile, Pc Step by Step


How to Play Call Of Duty Easy Tips And Trick Play Mobile, Pc Step by Step Game Battle Royale Game HD

Hi Friends there's a lot to take in with call of Duty Mobile How to get stared


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Game Call of Duty Tips to win


This Call of Duty Mobile brings heady mix of action multiplayer or battleroyale HD gameplay using


But you Are New  in the game there a lot take in to get started and get you winning game matches and ranking up your XP so lets info how you can get most out of CALL OF DUTY mobile in our extensive tricks


Now Go setting up Call of Duty mobile and your Phone


     1. Call of Duty Mobile need  system requirements foe iPhone iOS 9 Phone 5s  iPod touch  6gen and 7Gen


    2. Call of Duty Mobile System requirements  for Android 5.1 or later and you phone need at least 2Gb of Ram


Prepare Device Storage : 

         You all need around 1.6 GB new Update of storage to install Mobile for game data so you might have to clean something out ,If you right at limit your phone won't run as well and this is a Most demanding game 


Background Shut down activities and alerts : 


If you have a gaming mode on your device then now is the time to use it to reduce notification you don’t want to kill other processes that might be lowering the performance of your phone Ang get the best your phone running as best it can


Login Step Facebook Account Call of Duty :


 Sadly there No username / Password login you have to use Facebook your login account  Active game or play as a guest . If you use Facebook login you will then be able to move your profile to a different devise if you get a new phone or want to play on a tablet for example as you will an Activision Account


Pro Tips   


 Occasionally there are incentives for using  a different type of login perhaps you can grate a different character for connecting to your game Account which is worth looking  out for


Now try Connect Your Headphone     


 Soundtrack to Game Mobile is excellent and it also helps you get more aware of what happening around you able to pinpoint footsteps listen for cough of a silenced sniper rifle and much more if you can here them clearly playing voice with headphone in home  any near for you if alone Live work pro move turn the speakers up loud if you have good stereo 


Internet Connection Good WIFI / Mobile you Need 


 if live multiplier there game no offline mode you need to be connected to play watch your data allowance stick to wifi the game doen't actually use a lot of data / if you some starred normal live stream work then you your daily mobile data for game live play what its so solo just you good practices for advice some purchases


Gameplay is laggy Help   


  You appear to be freezing or repeatedly moving over the same area it probably because your connection is dropping out Tyr turning EIFI on or off restarting your game phone solve the problem switch to mobile data when

 wi - fi is playing game up




If Loo battery then down Brightness other snipping if try then up you mobile light easy kill on game


Xbox or Ps4  controller


 Now connect  a console  controller to play game mobile be paired with other people using controllers when you play so you don't get an unfair advantage connect to controller to your device Via Bluetooth Head into setting you can see when the customize thing


Best Setting Mobile Controls  Call of Duty


You like to play and what phone or tablet you playing on its worth taking the time to test all the option


Advanced Mode


This two   methods of control  game like simple and advanced you  presented the start of Game Fight  Gun auto fire when you're pointing at someone but advanced give you full control and it the latter you should choose even if means getting a little more practice never get anywhere or simple control


Customize Control


 The Lobby tap setting open up all the setting for game In control you have option for easy and advanced you have customize button can you drag control element to new locations Be aware that Multiplayer battle royal game slightly different docks so customize Gun, Clothes , Skin , Here both


Shooting Mode Change 


 you can change how different weapon type shoot you can fire from the hip aim down sight select custom this will let you change the behavior of weapon ground so you can fire 


Graphics Quality


This your Game devise automatically detect the setting  your phone on first start but if you want some change them setting tap auto and graphics  here you can select the quality you mobile data solo as well other option play game try best graphics


Sensitivity Good Game Play


  Your Devises respond slightly differently Good sensitivity setting for how you move as well easy scopes long kill other team


Setting Practice


 Here you see practice V Al this is great way to test weapons, scope , ammo setting and control feel going to work for you


Your Friends Watch Playing


  you can watch your friend profile to play button see and some tips what you can chat any voice this time checked full game


Call Of Duty


Mobile divided  major section offer update some mode active for better gameplay  zombie other remove longer


Multiplayer Map  Mode


 The game some different Maps  and mode to play . The core modes are frontline , team deathmatch , Domination , search destroy , Domination , Gunfight , Kill confirmed , Hardpoint , Free for all Practice vs AL


Features Special Modes


 All Example  Standoff, Halloween, Sniper Only Gun Game ,Prop Hunt , playing all type keep your eyes on the Battle pass to see where you can gain Rewards this all featured sometime come and go mew map play on 


The map game type changing going to play kill house , Nuke town , Hijacked , Rust, Summit High Rise , Crash , Crossfire , Meltdown the second are larger changing the style of play


Battle Royale Ranking Mode


 Battle royale there's only one map tight now Isolated you can play first or third person perspective you can play solo, Duo, Team


Play game time you increase your Rank and XP to unlock . You can five different loadouts each weapons, grenades skill and three perks


Weapons Wisely 


The game with this will change based on the map game type playing  Maps like kill house , Hijacked and Nuke town are great for SMGs because it close  Quarters' combat a map like crossfire id great for longer range weapons  . Having five loadouts means you can change during a match to suit the situation


Can get you weapons cards for upgrades this can be anything from adding a scope changes you make difference performs weapon in this game


When playing Multiplayer the two sides separated by the enemy wearing red flashes their uniform . camouflage doesn’t really  matter in that sense as you can spot the red marks even when hiding


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