HOW TO YOGA Take Control of Your Weight and Emotions: How Daily Yoga Practice Can Benefit You

 it Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline originated in ancient India. Yoga is known for its numerous health and physical benefits. In 2014, the United Nations (UN) decided to celebrate June 21 as International Yoga Day to increase awareness about the positive impacts of yoga.  Here are 5 benefits daily you will receive if you practice the art every day:

 Yoga Poses or Asanas are postures aimed at developing a healthy body and mind. The Patanjali Yoga Sutras define Asana as  S thiram Suk ham Asanas which means Asana is a pose that is steady and comfortable. Asana is the third step in Maharishi Patanjali’s Ashtanga yoga. Asanas or yogic poses are aimed towards attaining strength, flexibility, balance and steadiness. Apart from the spiritual benefits, each Yoga pose also has its specific health benefits.

It Improves Overall Body Posture, and Helps to Lose Weight:

Yoga asanas like Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) are very effective for losing weight. Furthermore, if you practice asanas like the Tree Pose, the Mountain Pose, and the Cat Cow Pose, you can improve your posture.
Yoga Improves Blood Circulation in Your Body:

Poses like Headstand, Handstand, and Shoulder-stand encourage blood flow from other organs back to the heart, which increases the Oxygen supply to your cells. A better blood circulation also results in improved functioning of the body. Yoga is helpful in boosting the hemoglobin levels as well.
It Helps You Take Control of Your Emotions and Thoughts:

Yoga asanas, when combined with meditation, can help you to build an awareness and take control of your emotions. It also helps to reduce anger and increase the feelings of compassion. Yoga often lets you explore a different side of you. Once you start regularly doing it, you will notice that your confidence has increased, and that you have a positive approach towards life.
Yoga Helps to Fight Against Stress, Anxiety, and Depression:

Practicing Yoga on a daily basis increases a person's mental well-being. It improves your mental clarity, calmness, and ability to step-back and reflect on life. Eventually, Yoga helps in coping with stress that can affect your body and mind.
It Helps You Sleep Properly:

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