Harsh Agrawal: My Blogging Journey So Fa


 it had its 6th anniversary and I wanted to write my blogging journey that could help others take up blogging as a serious career.
It is going to be long and a bit boring, because it is about me and my blogging journey so far. So if you are a fan of blogging then read it only, otherwise, check other categories.
This post is about how I started my first blog and later how I networked profitable blogs after the first successful blog.
Note: I have updated the information and some links so that you know what is happening now.
This is my latest photo from an international conference where I was talking about creating a million dollar blog:
Here's the latest video where I've shared how things have evolved over the last ten years:
Read: After 2191 days of blogging, all I can say is - blogging is incredible (6th anniversary post)
A little about me:
The best place to learn about me is by reading about the page or by Denharsh.
For new readers, I am Harsh Agarwal,
The founder of education, I am an engineer, and by profession, I am a blogger.
This story will tell you about the important time period of my blogging journey.
Coming back to my education background, I completed engineering in IT Stream (2008) and by the end of my final year; I was placed in one of the most reputable IT companies: Accenture.
page content
My Blogging Journey: How it All Started
First three months of blogging:
So I started blogging in September of 2008 just by fun and writing about things I knew. Sp started my blogging journey on the BlogSpot platform. I was more interested in network and computer security, so I started with a community on the "underground world" Orkut call.
The first domain web name I needed was the underground world, which was already taken.
So I started with the domain name virgintech.blogspot, and at the end of three months I was getting appreciation from my readers and thought of investing in my blog.
I bought web-hosting and a domain and transferred my blog to WordPress.
Selecting Domain Name + Hosting
By the end of three months, I was aware of the importance of branding a blog. Initially, I was thinking of some domain name that had the keyword 'Tech', but choose it for its uniqueness and better branding.
For hosting, right now

What are the benefits of a keyword less domain?
How did you find its place?
Initially, I wrote about general technical stuff that you can probably find on other blogs. Later, when I found out that blogging could make money, I was blown away with the idea. I was wondering why no one told me that I could follow my passion and make money. It was here that I made a mission that I would tell others about blogging and how they can follow their passion and live a boss-free life. After all, to work for someone and paycheck to paycheck is so much more than offering life. This is where I started sharing everything I learned about blogging and sharing my experience of making money from blogging. As all the content was based on my own learning experiences and experiments, soon visitors started liking it and thus found its place.

My first income from blogging:
As I mentioned, I started blogging with passion and interest. I had no idea what AdSense was or what SEO was when I started. I was a hobby blogger and over time I learned about Adsense and other advertising programs. However before that I learned SEO by reading a lot of blogs and experimenting every day. I still remember my first $ 10, which I earned by helping a 45-year-old Australian man with his WordPress issue. This was my first online income and that is how I discovered PayPal which enables anyone to receive payments globally. Later, I added AdSense, and in the first month, I made $ 40, which I consider a good start.

Hobby blogger for a professional blogging:
Back in March of 2009, I quit my full-time job for 6 months, and I took up professional blogging as my full-time career. It was not an easy decision and reassuring my family was not an easy task, but I took my chance and chose what I liked. By that time I started making good money, which could take care of my daily needs. On another note, I have made my blogging business plan, and I knew how I would move to the next stage.
How an accident changed my life:

June 29, 2009 (a week after my birthday) I met with an accident, and my leg was badly injured. The doctor kept me on bed rest for 6 months and when my life changed. I was broken by the fact that I would not be able to talk, but later I noticed that my parents were worried because of me. It was here that I had a strange feeling that I am not going to deal with this problem and it is here that I should focus on

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