
Lovely part of wedding planning is sorting out clothes for the post wedding part of it. its westerns outfits to Indian wedding ensembles, your looking to create a multifarious wardrobe that boasts of clothes and accessories that suit your style while remaining trendy

Unique & Personalized Wedding Favors For Brides men & Groomsmen

Wedding favors are a  great way of showing appreciation, gratitude, and love to your guests who have traveled from far and near. Showing gratitude should never go out of style and it is important that your favors are meaningful and thoughtful.
Your boys have been there with you through all the crazy times and now they are going to make your wedding one big party to remember. 
Reciprocate your feelings for your groomsmen and, or, brides men in such a way that they never forget it and it always reminds them of you. Be a hero at your own wedding by giving them a unique, personalized and remarkable token of your love. 
Wedding favors have always been bridesmaids centric but that is totally a myth, because your groomsmen or brides men, too deserve to get the best. Deciding on wedding favors can be a challenge, but fret not with these wedding favors for groomsmen and brides men, you will be softer!  

Here’s the list of wedding favors that you can consider and they will be loved and remembered by them for sure!

Wedding with Pin-worthy Décor & Interesting Love Story!

 Childs hood has a profound impact on each of us, but lucky are those 1 who can preserve their child-like spirit even in their adult life.  some may have choice to get hitched in Disneyland 
World, we came across one such bride that designed and personalized her kale eras with small Lego people charms!

Gazlay, a jewelry  designed her owns kaleeras for her Lego fanatic husband-to-be. 
 Though this wasn’t their only tribute to Lego land. It all started when  proposed to her with a Lego ring that he made himself! This personalized detail is the one that really made our hearts sing! Not only that, they skipped the typical pre-wedding shoot and successfully added their own touch to it by doing a pre-wedding shoot with the Lego version of themselves, depicting scenes from their love story and all their special moments that led right up to their magical wedding!

 the zeal of reliving their childhood with their Mela-themed mehndi bash, full of vibrant colours and fun games including balloon shooting and Parrot Tarot card reading. wedding  was done up perfectly to what the couple had envisioned and all their love and warmth were captured perfectly by the photography team of Memoire.
This was the perfect time for the bride to shine as a talented jewelry designer that she is. She designed personalized kale ere for her mehndi, complete with little charms of loge-people, silhouettes of wine glasses, the Golden Gate bridge and their own wedding hashtag
All these things were an unmissable part of who they are as people, and what they love about each other. The bride’s mehndi outfit was designed by her mother. Looks like talent really runs in this family!

Their Love Story

Their’s was the perfect “opposites attract” story! Fenil is saint-like and likes to keep things simple whereas Gazal likes things to be done with pomp and extravaganza. They say it's often baffles them too how they fell for each other but that’s just the magic that makes them ‘imperfectly’ perfect for each other!
Fenil and Gazal knew each other briefly through their families before. However, it wasn’t until a common friend’s engagement party that they kickstarted their romance. They met again later in California, where Fenil is based and Gazal was vacationing. They met almost every day after the other and found that they loved each other’s company. And well the rest is history!





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